List of Figures

1. Regional map of the Colorado Frontal Range
2. Detailed geological map of study area and the sample locations
3. The general geology of Big Thompson Canyon
Table 2. Samples collected in and around Big Thompson Canyon region of northern Front Range
4. Matrix foliation relationships
5. Structural map of the area
6. The FIAs method
7. Representative photomicrographs and line diagrams of garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts.
8. Photomicrograph and the line diagram of a garnet porphyroblast
9. Photomicrograph and the line diagram of a staurolite porphyroblast
10. Photomicrographs and line diagrams of Andalusite and cordierite porphyroblasts
Table 3. Relative succession of FIAs measured in samples where both garnet and staurolite porphyroblast occur in a single sample (units are in degrees)
Table 4. Relative succession of FIAs, within garnet and staurolite porphyroblast, using core/rim and pseudo-FIA criteria (read text for details)
11. FIA trends for successive FIA sets in Big Thompson region of Colorado Rockies
12. Equal area rose plot of all FIA trends measured within samples
13. Equal area rose plot of all samples preserving multiple FIA trends
14. The photomicrographs show garnet porphyroblast within younger mineral phases
15. The photomicrographs show staurolite grains replaced by andalusite and mica
16. The photomicrograph shows andalusite blast replaced by cordierite
17. The photomicrographs show late andalusite and cordierite grains
18. The staurolite isograds plotted on a geological map
19. The andalusite and cordierite FIA generated isograds plotted on a geological map
20. Location of all regional folds
21. Rose plot of FIA trends and fold axial traces
22. Lower hemisphere equal area projections of the mean FIA trends
23. Histograms showing the distribution of FIAs