List of Figures

1. Satellite image of northern Italy.
2. Giordano’s and Stella’s geotectonic views.
3. Argand’s fold-nappes.
4. Argand and the Alpine belt.
5. Argand’s Europe-Africa geotraverse and mantle denudation.
6. Kober’s bilateral thrusting.
7. Staub’s longitudinal correlations.
8. Briançonnais series near Zermatt.
9. Laubscher’s opposite subductions.
10. Subduction metamorphism in the Western Alps.
11. Plate tectonic models in the Eastern Alps.
12. One Moho below the Western Alps.
13. Two Moho surfaces in the core of the Western Alps.
14. Tectono-metamorphic setting of the Western Austroalpine-Penninic wedge in the Aosta valley and surrounding areas.
15. Mt Emilius klippe.
16. Eclogites of Monte Rosa nappe.
17. Eclogites of Adula nappe.
18. Recumbent backfolding in southern Monte Rosa massi.
19. Western AlpineTethys.
20. Periadriatic magmatism.
21. Transalp deep seismic profile.
22. Roisan and Mt Dolin metasedimentary cover units.
23. Geology of Italian southern face of the Matterhorn.
24. Structural Model of Italy.
25. Tectonic map of the Alps.
26. Crustal and litospheric section of North-Western Alps.
27. Overview map of the Eastern Alps.
28. Rechner ophiolite.
29. Austroalpine-Penninic nappe stack in Aosta valley.
30. Mylonitic contact between Arolla and Valpelline units of Dent Blanche nappe.
31. Tectonic map of North-Western Alps.
32. Southern face of Mt Nery.
33. The nappe stack in eastern Switzerland.
34. Platta ophiolitic nappe.
35. High-grade pre-granitic complex of Monte Rosa nappe.
36. Grossglochner.
37. Western Tauern window and surrounding units.
38. Triassic evaporites.
39. Mont Blanc external massif.
40. Triassic magmatism.