List of Figures
- 1. Nucleation of randomly distributed faults
- 2. Graben relay in a brittle sedimentary cover
- 3. Simplified strength profiles
- 4. Experimental set-up
- 5. Experimental set-up
- 6. Cross sections in a model by Faugère and Brun
- 7. Model by Vendeville
- 8. Cross-sections in a model by Vendeville
- 9. Experimental set-up used by Sims
- 11. Experimental set-up used by Le Calvez and Vendeville
- 12. Model by Le Calvez and Vendeville
- 13. Experimental set-up used by Le Calvez and Vendeville
- 14. Schematic strength profiles
- 15. Model of graben relay by Le Calvez and Vendeville
- 16. Model by Le Calvez and Vendeville
- 17. Model by Le Calvez and Vendeville
- 18. Photographs of the model surface