Stress, Structure and Strain: a volume in honour of Win D. Means

Volume 02, 2000

This volume of JVE is dedicated to Win Means, our dear friend, formidable scientist and respected colleague. A total of 19 contributions were brought together to honour Win's 65th birthday, a tribute to Win's wide-ranging interests in his professional life: field geology, high pressure rock deformation, deformation experiments in transmitted light, analysis of natural microstructures, theoretical models, teaching and fun.

This special volume should be viewed in its original format.
The listing below contains paper abstracts only.


Evolution of mylonitic microfabrics

M. Herwegh, M. Handy, and R. Heilbronner

Fold geometry and constitutive behaviour

B. Hobbs, H. Mülhaus, A. Ord, Y. Zhang, and L. Moresi

Deformation microstructures in quartzo-feldspathic rocks

J. Tullis, H. Stünitz, C. Teyssier, and R. Heilbronner