Geological setting
Roma and its hinterland are part of a portion of the western coast of Central Italy between the Apennine chain and the Tyrrhenian sea (Fig. 2). The Apennine chain is a complex structural unit thrusting toward E and NE mainly between Upper Miocene and Lower Pliocene (Mattei et al., 2008 and references therein). The inner side of the chain has progressively been extended westward to form the back-arc Tyrrhenian basin, whereaside, from Tuscany to Sicily, a complex volcanic belt, mostly K-rich in composition, developed from Lower Pleistocene to Present (e.g. Barberi et al., 1994; Conticelli et al., 2002; Mattei et al., 2010 and references therein).
The open and planar landscape of the Campagna Romana is mainly related to its Quaternary tectonic and volcanic evolution. During Lower Pleistocene the coast attained approximately its present configuration with the regression from open marine to continental environments (Funiciello and Giordano, 2008a,b; Parotto, 2008). Since the Middle Pleistocene, four main volcanic districts have been active along the Tyrrhenian margin between Tuscany and Latium, which are from north to south the Vulsinian Latera and Bolsena calderas, the Vico stratovolcano, the Sabatinian Bracciano and Sacrofano calderas and the Colli Albani caldera complex. These volcanoes erupted thousands of cubic kilometres of magma and emplaced large volume ignimbrite sheets confering to the region its gentle morphology (e.g. Giordano et al., 2006, 2010). The ignimbrite plateau has been deeply eroded during the last glacial age by the Tiber river fluvial network and delta. During the subsequent rise of the sea level, the fluvial network has been backfilled with alluvial Holocene deposits, consisting of unconsolidated clayey-sandy sediments.
The deep structure of the Campagna Romana is constituted by extensional highs and lows mainly overprinting pre-existing NW-SE thrusts, which piled up the Mesozoic-Cainozoic carbonatic and terrigenous succession during the Apennine orogeny (Funiciello and Parotto, 1978; Mattei et al., 2008; Danese and Mattei, 2010).
The pre-orogenic Mesozoic-Cainozoic sedimentary succession is composed by limestones and marls deposited in the Tuscan and Sabinian basins of the Thetys sea, overlain by an allochtonous terrigenous cover, the “Ligure flysch”, emplaced gravitationally during the early phases of the orogeny. This succession is structurally organized in a sequence of ramps and flats and it has been encountered in several deep bore-holes in correspondence with structural highs at variable depths from a minimum of few hundreds of meters below surface (Cristoforo Colombo GRA) to more than 1300 m below surface (Cesano, Circo Massimo) (Funiciello and Parotto, 1978; Barberi et al., 1994; Funiciello and Giordano, 2008a,b).
The post-orogenic terrigenous marine sedimentation along the Tyrrhenian margin started diachronously during the Messinian-Lower Pliocene overlying the deformed Mesozoic-Cainozoic basement. The pre- and syn-depositional development of structural highs and lows, together with the isostatic rebound of the Tyrrhenian margin accompaining the transition from the orogenic to the post-orogenic phases, determined different sedimentary basins, mostly NW-oriented (e.g. Barberi et al., 1994; Buonasorte et al., 1991).
The post-orogenic stratigraphic succession outcrops discontinuously along the margins of the Apennine chain, in correspondence of structural highs and of shallow intrusions of magmatic bodies. Roma is located along one of the NW-trending structural highs, the Monte Mario high (Fig. 3), where the Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary succession shows the transition from open marine (grey clay and yellow sand) to continental facies (fluvial-deltaic conglomerate and sand).
After the Brunhes-Matuyana reversal, approximately at 780 ka, the Sabatini volcano and the Colli Albani volcano (Figs. 2 and 4a,b), respectively to the NW and to the SE of Roma, started their activity, which lasted till the Upper Pleistocene for the Sabatini and till the Holocene for the Colli Albani from the eccentric Albano maar (Funiciello et al., 2003; Giordano et al., 2006, 2010; De Benedetti et al., 2008, Anzidei et al., 2008). During this time span, the interplay between volcanism, tectonism and climate changes has produced the alternation of depositional and erosive phases, recorded by the complex arrangement of the Middle-Upper Pleistocene fluvial terraces along the course of the Tiber river.
The sequence of block diagrams of Fig. 5 illustrates the paleogeographic evolution of the Campagna Romana since Pliocene.
Pliocene (Fig. 5a) - The area corresponding with the future Campagna Romana was submerged by the Tyrrhenian sea and formed an articulated continental platform from which isolated blocks emerged to form islands (Monte Soratte and Monti Cornicolani). The marine open-marine shales were deposited during the Pliocene, presently form the hundreds of meters thick bedrock of the area with very low permeability and over-consolidated characteristics (Capelli and Mazza, 2005; Cosentino et al., 2008). These shales are named Monte Vaticano Fm. (MVA; Funiciello and Giordano, 2008a,b). At the transition Upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene, an episode of tectonic uplift occurred favouring a temporary emersion of structural highs, and namely of the Monte Mario high (Fig. 6) (Cesi et al., 2008), where the Monte Vaticano Fm. is eroded at the top by a planar erosional surface (Fig. 7) (Cosentino et al., 2009).
Lower Pleistocene (Santernian-Aemilian) (Fig. 5b). After the episode of tectonic uplift and emersion, the Roman area was again submerged. The Pliocene Monte Vaticano Fm. is overlain, above a subhorizontal erosional unconformity, by Lower Pleistocene (Santernian) infralittoral sandstone and siltstone which form the Monte Mario Fm. (MTM) (Figs. 7 and 8). These rocks culminate along the NW-trending Monte Mario structural high and mostly outcrop along the right bank of the Tiber river valley (Fig. 3).
The Monte Mario structural high was formed along a prolonged period of time. An early phase of uplift was responsible for the shifting toward the west of the depocentre of deposition, where, during the late Lower Pleistocene (Emilian) open marine clay, with Hyalinea Baltica, were sedimented (Monte delle Piche Fm. – MDP; Funiciello and Giordano, 2008a,b).
Lower (Sicilian/Villafranchian)-Middle Pleistocene p.p. (Fig. 5c,d) - The marine domains extinguished progressively from east to west for the regional uplift of the area. The complete transition from marine to continental environments occurred between the late Lower and the early Middle Pleistocene, approximately between 850 and 700 ka, when the Roman area hosted the deltaic sedimentation from a paleo-Tiber river (Fig. 5c and 16 Ponte Galeria Fm. – PGL; Funiciello and Giordano, 2008, a,b).
The last phase of uplift of the NW-trending Mt. Mario structural high (Fig. 9), isolated the deltaic sedimentary wedge and forced the paleo-Tiber toward the south-east, parallel to the coast, inside a NW-trending subsiding valley wherein a thick succession of fluvial conglomerates was deposited (Manfredini, 1990; Feroci et al., 1990; Giordano et al., 2002), named the Fosso della Crescenza Fm. (Fig. 5d; FCZ; Funiciello and Giordano, 2008, a,b). The fluvial conglomerates of the Fosso della Crescenza fm. are found as deep as -100 m below sea level.
Middle p.p.-Upper Pleistocene (700-125 ka) (Fig. 5e,f) - As a consequence of the Tiber river diversion parallel to the coast, a large lake or swamp probably developed in the Colli Albani area, bearing an influence upon the early phreatoplinian activity of the volcano which started at about 600 ka (Pisolitic Tuffs succession; De Rita et al., 2002; Giordano et al., 2006, 2010). The growth of the Colli Albani volcano to the south (Fig. 10), and especially the early emplacement of the large volume ignimbrite sheets (600-355 ka; Giordano et al., 2006, 2010), progressively shifted the river back northward (after ca. 550 ka) approximately where the present day river has its course, where it cross-cut the Monte Mario-Gianicolo horst (likely captured by a minor valley cut on the west flank of the Monte Mario rise) to find its way to the reach the sea.
Contemporaneously, the Sabatini volcanoes to the north emplaced large volume ignimbrites, pushing the course of the Tiber river eastward near the Apennines (Funiciello and Giordano, 2008a,b; Parotto, 2008).
Last Glacial Age (Fig. 5g) - The volcanic activity at the Colli Albani and Sabatini volcanoes during this period was essentially phreatomagmatic forming several maars (Giordano et al., 2006, 2010; Giordano, 2008 and references therein). The progressive reduction of the erupted volumes, with the consequence of reducing considerably the production of volcanic debris, allowed the climate changes to have a stronger influence on the landscape evolution. During the last low stand of the sea level related to the Wűrmian glacial age, the Tiber river valley deeply eroded the volcanic and pre-volcanic rock succession down to the Pliocene clay units. The Campagna Romana assumed the present configuration with perched relics of the tabular volcanic plateau, which represent the present day topographic reliefs of Roma.
Holocene (Fig. 5h) - The rise of the sea to the present level has induced the progressive filling of the Tiber river valley with its alluvial deposits, forming the alluvial plain closed to the west by the Monte-Mario-Gianicolo ridge, and, to the east, by the relics of the margin of the volcanic plateau, the famous Seven Hills of Roma (Fig. 4a,b).
Recent studies have revealed that the large flat plain that extends northwestward from the Albano maar lake in direction of Roma, the Ciampino Plain, is been formed by the deposition during the Holocene of phreatomagmatic and lahar deposits from the most recent activity of the Albano maar (Fig. 11; Funiciello et al., 2002, 2003; Funiciello and Giordano, 2008a,b; Giordano et al., 2005, 2006, 2010; De Benedetti et al., 2008). The last episode of lake overflow occurred in the IV cent. B.C.E. (before common era) and induced the Romans to dig a tunnel to drain the lake which still today regulate the lake level 70 m below the crater rim (Fig. 12b). The Ciampino Plain has been later used as the path for all Roman aqueducts, changing forever the social perception of that area from the source of disastrous floods in the main water way to the city (Fig. 13).