List of Figures
- 1. Amorgos
- 2. IMap of itinerary 1 and locations of the excursion stops. Geology is after Rosenbaum et al. (2007).
- 3. High-angle shear bands in a conglomerate (Stop 1.1) showing top-to-the-SE sense of shear. Sample AMO 05-1 from this conglomerate yielded a zircon fission-track age of 161±15 Ma.
- 4. Metabasite blueschist-facies rock (dark green) exposed below a low-angle detachment contact (Stop 1.2).
- 5. Carpholite-bearing rocks from the area around Stop 1.2.
- 6. A strongly deformed brittle-ductile contact in Stop 1.4.
- 7. Type 3 interference pattern in the flysch (Stop 1.5).
- 8. Folded dolomite and meta-claystone layers in Stop 1.6.
- 9. Large F3 fold in the westernmost part of the peninsula (Stop 1.8).
- 10. Map of the central part of the island showing the general geology (partly after Dürr, 1985) and the locations of Itinerary 2’s excursion stops.
- 11. Fold structures in the area near the monastery of Hozoviotíssas (Stop 2.1).
- 12. Stops 2.5, 2.6
- 13. F1 isoclinal fold in the layered marble (Stop 2.2) showing Z shaped asymmetry when observed up plunge (i.e. the fold has an S shape down plunge).
- 14. Interference patterns around Stop 2.3
- 15. Folds around Ronzas creek (Stop 2.4).
- 16. Boudinage structures in the layered marble near Ronzas creek (Stop 2.4).
- 17. Overprinting relationships between S1 and S2 fabrics in Stop 2.5.
- 18. Top NW sense of shear indicators in the flysch around Stop 2.6