List of Figures
- 1. Tectonic sketch-map of the Variscan belt in Sardinia
- 2. Geological cross sections
- 3. Stereographic projections
- 1.0. Location of geological stops
- 1.1. Overview of Argentiera mine
- 1.2. Example of decametric F1 fold
- 1.3. Interference pattern between F1 and F2 folds (Stop 1.1).
- 1.4. Mesoscopic aspect of S2 crenulation cleavage (Stop 1.1)
- 1.5. Mesoscopic tight F1 fold in metapelites
- 1.6. Top-to-the South brittle-ductile shear zones (Stop 1.2).
- 1.7. Schematic drawing of the evolution of F1 folds
- 1.8. Fluid inclusions trapped along secondary trails
- 1.9. Syn-D2 partly rotated albite porphyroblast
- 1.10. Rotated garnet (grt) porphyroblasts
- 1.11. L2 stretching lineation developed in quartz rods
- 1.12. Tight F2 fold in quartzites and paragneisses near Punta Falcone
- 2.1. Mt. Catellaccio
- 2.2. The HT-LP metamorphic overprinting (Stop 2.2)
- 2.3. Open to closed D2 folds
- 2.4. Stretti zone (Stop 2.2).
- 2.5. Example of andalusite and fibrolite bearing mylonitic micaschist
- 2.6. The Migmatitic Complex (Stop 2.4).
- 2.7. The Punta Scorno orthogneiss (Stop 2.4).
- 2.8. Banded amphibolite
- 2.9. Panoramic view
- 2.10. F2 fold in amphibolite
- 2.11. Sigmoidal structure in the leucosome
- 3.1. Geological map of the basement
- 3.2. The top-to-the SE shear zones
- 3.3. The Ky-bearing mylonitic micaschist (Stop 3.2).
- 3.4. Photomicrograph of phyllonites
- 3.5. The Ky±St±Grt bearing mylonitic micaschists near Giagazzu village (Stop 3.4).
- 3.6. F2 fold in the phyllonitic belt near Giagazzu village (Stop 3.5)
- 3.7. Brittle top-to-the SE shear zones in the Giagazzu-Tungoni
- 3.8. Top-to-the NNW shear zones in the Giagazzu-Tungoni
- 3.9. The retrogressed eclogitic body near Giagazzu village (Stop 3.6)
- 3.10. Top-to-the NW mylonitic belt in the Badesi Complex (Stop 3.8).
- 4.1. Stops of the Itinerary 4 in the Baronie region
- 4.2. Stops of the itinerary in the Baronie region
- 4.3. N-S geological cross section in the Posada Valley
- 4.4. The metabasites with eclogite (Stop 4.1).
- 4.5. Sillimanite and muscovite
- 4.6. Late folds in quartzitic layers
- 4.7. Shear bands in granitic augen gneiss
- 4.8. Porphyroblastic paragneiss and micaschists
- 4.9. Albite porhyroblast
- 4.10. Albite porhyroblast
- 4.11. P-T-t paths
- 4.12. Synoptic table
- 4.13. C-S fabric
- 4.14. Photomicrograph of biotite fish
- 4.15. Cm-size staurolite porphyroclasts
- 4.16. Shear band cleavage in mylonites
- 4.17. C-S fabric in mylonite from gneisses
- 4.18. Thin section from micaschist
- 4.19. Photomicrograh showing stretched staurolite
- 4.20. Photomicrograh showing stretched staurolite porphyroblast
- 4.21. Syn-D2 rotated garnet (Grt) and relic staurolite
- 4.22. Overview from south to north of the Posada Valley from Stop 4.5
- 5.1. Geological map of the Migmatitic Complex
- 5.2. The Migmatitic Complex in SW Gallura region (Stop 5.1)
- 5.3. Geological map of the Anglona region
- 5.4. The HT-LP metamorphic overprinting in the Anglona region (Stop 5.5)
- 5.5. The migmatites in Anglona region (Stop 5.8)