List of Figures
- 1. Tectonic map and block-diagram of the Aosta valley and surrounding areas
- 2. Cross section and lithospheric interpretation of the Western Alps
- 3. Itinerary 1
- 4. Eclogitized migmatite near Rifugio Città di Mantova
- 5. Eclogitized migmatite of Rifugio Città di Mantova
- 6. Eclogitized migmatite of Rifugio Città di Mantova
- 7. Eclogitized migmatite of Rifugio Città di Mantova
- 8. Fine-grained eclogite
- 9. Panoramic view from Stolemberg
- 10. Contact between Monte Rosa Basement and Zermatt-Saas ophiolite
- 11. Stolemberg-Col d’Olen section
- 12. Alternating layers of leucosome melanosome
- 13. Rodingitised metabasite
- 14. Large garnet porphyroclasts
- 15. Panoramic view towards Lago Gabiet
- 16. Eclogite-facies Sesia-Lanzo rocks at Lillianes
- 17. Contact between Micascisti eclogitici and lamprophyric dyke
- 18. Itinerary 2
- 19. Panoramic view from the road at Druges
- 20. Remains of the old foundry at Treves
- 21. Huge slag cumulus
- 22. Piece of slag from the ancient Servette mine
- 23. Lithological map of the lower St Marcel valley
- 24. Talcschists
- 25. Glaucophanite
- 26. Mineralised quartzite
- 27. Map of Servette mine
- 28. Servette rodingite
- 29. Map and section of Servette mine
- 30. Panoramic view
- 31. Entrance of Praborna mine
- 32. Praborna: piemontite crystals in quartzite
- 33. Piemontite- and braunite-rich quartzites
- 34. Clinopyroxene+garnet-rich quartzite band
- 35. Garnet-bearing Mn-rich quartzite
- 36. Retrogression of alurgite
- 37. Retrogression of alurgite
- 38. Retrogression of violan
- 39. Retrogression of violan
- 40. Retrogression of violan
- 41. Abandoned village and mine of Chuc
- 42. Green fountain (Acqua Verde)
- 43. Itinerary 3
- 44. View northwards from Gillaray
- 45. Panoramic view
- 46. Simplified geologic map
- 47. Garnet in quartz-rich metasediments
- 48. Eclogite boudinaged in metasediments
- 49. Deformed reaction rim
- 50. Reaction rim
- 51. Fine-grained metatroctolite
- 52. Coronitic troctolite
- 53. Partially eclogitized troctolite
- 54. Eclogitized troctolite
- 55. Partially eclogitized gabbro
- 56. Multilayered corona developing between olivine and plagioclase
- 57. Corona between augitic clinopyroxene and plagioclase
- 58. Panoramic view from Testa Grigia towards the SW
- 59. Panoramic view from Testa Grigia towards Switzerland
- 60. Authors ready to climb Piramide Vincent