
In conclusion, according to our descriptions about the structural evolution and stratigraphic features of the MHT and THB (including the Axios Basin), we assume that both basins constitute independent basin structures, evolved in different geotectonic positions and do not represent lateral continuation. The THB evolved on the stretched and thinned upper plate of the Hellenic hinterland, above of a subducted slab of the lower plate during the Tertiary (Figure16). Basin subsidence was associated with tectonic denudation and exhumation of deep crustal metamorphic rocks of the Rhodope province, as well as with abundant magmatic products. The MHT was evolved on the cold, thick crustal part of the External Hellenides, in the foreland area behind the Tertiary accretionary prism of the Hellenides and the Tertiary subduction zone (lower plate during the Tertiary orogenic processes), so that no important magmatic activity accompanied the sediments deposition during the basin evolution (Figure16).

In any case, the tectonic history of both basins seems to be related to an overall oblique plate convergence of the Apulia plate and the Internal Hellenides units during the Tertiary, as it could be inferred by the important Tertiary strike-slip motions dominated in both areas (Vamvaka et al. 2006, 2010; Tranos et al. 1999).