This paper represents a brief summary of the experimental activity on subduction developed by the Laboratory on Experimental Tectonics in the last decade.
We thank all our colleagues/friends who collaborated with us, inspiring models, putting their hands in the honey with us, discussing results, sharing data for comparison with the natural cases (among them, D. Giardini, S. Lallemand, J. Martinod, B. Guillaume, N. Bellahsen, M. Moroni, C. Piromallo, T.W. Becker, A. Heuret, N. Espurt, E. Di Giuseppe, L. Husson, L. Civetta, M. D’Antonio, K. Regenauer-Lieb, G. Morra). F.F is supported by the EURYI (European Young Investigators) Awards Scheme (Eurohorcs/ESF), with funds from the National Research Council of Italy and other National Funding Agencies participating in the 3rd Memorandum of Understanding, as well as from the EC Sixth Framework Program.