Published Works on the Samos Fossils

There are over 200 publications, which deal directly or indirectly with species from Samos. Major (1888, 1892) reports on the discovery and first species lists; Solounias (1981a) and Bernor et al. (1996) published reviews of the fauna; Black et al. (1980) on the rodents; Werdelin and Solounias (1990) on the hyaenids; Schlessiger (1922) on the probosicdeans; Weber (1904, 1905) and Heissig (1975) on the rhinoceroses; Sondaar (1971) on the hipparions; Bohlin (1926), Hamilton (1978), Geraads (1977, 1979, 1986), and Solounias et al. (1988) on the giraffids; Schlosser (1904), Andree (1926), Gentry (1971), and Solounias (1981a) on the bovids. The mammal species sampled at Samos include 1 species of a bat, 5 species of rodents, among the carnivores, one remotely similar to pandas, 2 bears, 2 mustelids, 7 hyenas of various sizes, 1 felid and 3 sabertooths, 1 aardvark, 3 mastodons, 1 dinothere, 2 hyraxes, 6 species of three toed horses (hipparions or hippotheria), one chalicothere, 5 rhinoceroses, 2 suids, 1 tragulid, 1 muntjac, 1 deer, 6 species of giraffids (some similar to the living okapi, some unique, and one similar to the living giraffe) and approximately 30 species of bovids (antelopes) (Solounias 1981a, b; Bernor et al. 1996).