In order to illustrate how flanking folds develop by the two main mechanisms mentioned we present a series of analogue experiments, using a transparent putty in a simple shear box. Experiments were carried out with either a rigid piece of cardboard or open fractures at various initial positions.
The apparatus used for the analogue experiments consists of the four-sided deformation box (fig. 3) described by Piazolo et al. (2001). Plexiglas segments are connected with flexible plastic to form a wall of chevron-folded pistons (Fig. 3). Metal springs on the outside allow for homogeneous contraction and extension of the walls. The corners of the springs are connected to aluminium plates (P in figure 3). Each plate is attached to a sliding carriage (C1 in figure 3) operated by a motor (M1, M2, M3 and M4) to control the movement in the x-direction. The motors are attached to two PVC boards (B1). Two additional motors (M5) control the movement of the PVC boards along sliding carriages (C2) in the y-direction. The entire assembly is attached to a basal plate (B2). The maximum extension of the walls is approximately 35 cm in the x-direction and 25 cm in the y-direction. Towards the edges of the box, deformation becomes increasingly less homogeneous. The top of the box is open.
The six motors are controlled by the PC-program LabView and allow five different transpression regimes ranging from simple shear to plane strain conditions by defining the kinematic vorticity number and the stain rate along a specific axis. The maximum shear strain that can be reached is around two, depending on the original geometry of the box. During the experiment, pictures of the top of the box are taken by a stationary digital camera. The shear box was lighted from below through the transparent basal plate. Pictures were taken every 300 seconds and later combined to generate Canvas movies.
The matrix material used in the deformation box is polydimethyl-siloxane (PDMS, trade name SMG 36), a polymer manufactured by Dow Corning, Great Britain. PDMS is a transparent non-toxic polymer with a density of 0.965 g/cm3 and a viscosity (at room temperature) of 5.0*104 Pa s. The material shows Newtonian viscous flow behaviour for strain rates <5*10-1 s-1 (Weijermars, 1986). Glycerin was used at the bottom of the box as a lubricant to reduce basal shear, but this is non-reactive with the PDMS and has a lower viscosity (1.55*10-2 Pa s) and a higher density (1.17 g/cm3).
To represent a rigid CE oblique to HE during deformation, a 1 mm thick and ~4 cm long piece of cardboard was placed in the centre of the box (movie 1). To represent fluid filled fractures or veins that do allow slip during deformation, we used two methods; (1) two pieces of overhead-projector plastic with Silicone gel (200/12.500 CS Fluid, manufactured by Dow Corning, Great Britain) in between, which were allowed to slip past each other (Movie 2, 4). The viscosity of the Silicone gel (1.25*104 Pa s) is about 40 times lower than that of the PDMS; (2) an open fault, created by making a vertical knife cut in the putty which was filled with a drop of lubricating kitchen soap to keep the fault from healing (Movies 3 and 5).
Experimental procedure
The basal plate was lubricated with a thin film of glycerin after which the PDMS was set into the deformation box. We let the PDMS settle for three hours to eliminate most of the trapped air bubbles until the upper surface smoothened. A cut of ~ 4 cm long was made in the centre of the box at angle α, where α is the angle between the CE and the HE. A piece of cardboard, overhead-projector paper with glycerine, or lubricating kitchen soap was placed inside the cut, after which we let the PDMS settle for another hour. A 0.5 x 0.5 cm carbon powder grid was set on the top of the PDMS using a non-fixated plastic sheet photocopy of a regular grid, which was pressed onto the PDMS to transfer the line pattern from the plastic to the putty. Again, we let the PDMS settle for another hour before the experiment was started.
The experiments were conducted under simple shear conditions with initial box dimensions of 210 mm x 180 mm. The displacement applied by motors M1, M2, and M3 was set at 150 mm with a velocity of 0.02 mm/s. Each experiment took 7500 second, resulting in a shear strain of 1.65 and a shear strain rate of 2.2*10-4 s-1. All experiments were carried out at room temperature.
The first experiment used a 1 mm thick piece of cardboard at an initial position α = 90°. The second through fifth experiments represent fractures / veins that allow slip during deformation, oriented at initial positions of α = 90°, 135° and 160° respectively.