Fitzsimmons, K. 2005.   Oases in the Desert: Mound Springs and Their Role in Desert Hydrology. In: (Eds.) Amos Aikman, Katherine Lilly, Julien Celerier, Istvan Kovacs, and Giselle Estermann, An excursion guide to the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Electronic Edition, ISSN 1441-8142, volume 20, paper 11, doi:10.3809/jvirtex.2005.00134

Oases in the Desert: Mound Springs and Their Role in Desert Hydrology

Kathryn Fitzsimmons

Research School of Earth Sciences,

The Australian National University,

0200 Canberra, Australia



Oases in the Desert: Mound springs and their role in desert hydrology

Keywords: mound springs , desert hydrology

Table of Contents

Extended Abstract