Framework (continued)
Extension & Inversion
Tertiary extension in northern Oman commenced just after obduction of
the ophiolite and persisted until at least until deposition of the Eocene
Rusayl formation (Fournier et al., 2001). The main axis of extension
was NNE-SSW to NE-SW and produced numerous NW trending structures (e.g.
Fig. 1; Fournier et al., 2001). Neogene compression resulted in inversion
of these structures (Fournier et al., 2001).
for elevated heat flow during the early Tertiary includes the presence
of minor mafic dykes that were intruded into Tertiary sediments near
the cement factory at between 36 and 40 million years (Fig. 1; Al Harthy
et al., 1990). This magmatic episode has also been recognised in the
Batain region of NE Oman, some 250 km distant from the area of interest
(Worthing and Wilde, 2002) and appears, therefore, to be of considerable
extent. Spore coloration and AOM reflectance measurements on shales
and coaly shales from the Rusayl Formation (outcropping about 20 km
from the study area) show that maximum temperatures at the base of the
Tertiary were of the order of 65¼C (Goodall et al., 2001a,b). Vitrinite
reflectance data from the Abat Trough about 200 km SE of the study area
also indicate unusually elevated temperatures during the Tertiary (Abdulrahman
Al Harthy, unpub. data) and support the idea that this event was of
regional rather than local extent.
area of interest was partially emergent during the Tertiary (generating
laterites) with adjacent mangrove tidal swamps and other warm-water
shallow marine environments (El Beialy, 1998; Racey, 1994). During the
Eocene, there is some evidence for hypersaline conditions in coastal
lagoons (Keen & Racey, 1991). These observations are of some significance
to the discussion of potential ore-forming fluids (see below).
& Mineralogical Observations
We recognise two main facies of hydrothermal alteration: Ca-Fe-Mg carbonate
(CFM) and silica-iron hydroxide (SIH), both developed extensively (although
not exclusively) in serpentinised ultramafic rocks. Figure 1 shows SIH
hydrothermal alteration as mapped by Villey et al. (1986) and described
as “listwaenite”. The major occurrences are clustered within
an area approximately 15 by 10 km (Fig. 1) and tend to be controlled
by NW-SE (post-obduction) faults and/or the base of the ophiolite sequence.
The latter has been interpreted to reflect the presence of thrust fault
permeability (Stanger, 1985). Some of the largest occurrences of altered
rocks are along the Paleogene Fanjah fault (Hanna & Rodgers, 1996
& 2001). This is a normal fault that dips to the north with at least
6 km of normal slip and transects early thrust faults (Hanna & Rodgers,
1996 & 2001).
distinctive SIH alteration forms linear peaks, as the rock is more resistant
to erosion than adjacent carbonated serpentinite and Tertiary sediments
(Fig. 2a). These peaks are incised by recent wadis and overlain by Quaternary
wadi sediments. Pervasive silicification and iron metasomatism has also
been noted in Tertiary limestone excavations at the cement factory (Fig.
1; Haynes, 2001). These observations strongly support a Tertiary age
for the alteration event.
2: Photographs showing various manifestations of hydrothermal
alteration. A: Ridge of silica-iron hydroxide (SIH) alteration in
background with low rounded mound of pale-coloured travertine in
foreground. B: One of the best exposed examples of hydrothermal
alteration – Fanja roadcut. The photograph shows reticulate
(stockwork) quartz veining in tan-coloured silicified host-rock.
C: Close up of the above showing breccia texture, possibly indicative
of high fluid pressures and hydraulic fracturing. D: Fine quartz
veinlets at the “pipeline” occurrence. E: Travertine
veins in serpentinised harzburgite. F: Travertine veins and coating
on dolomite. |
SIH bodies are vertical or sub-vertical, typically about 10m thick,
but locally up to 50m thick and associated with a reticulate stockwork
of milky white quartz veins (Fig. 2b-d). Vein thickness varies from
a few millimetres to several centimeters. Pervasive silicification extends
outwards from the veins (interpreted as the result of fluid moving outwards
from the vein conduit) and grades gradually into the carbonate-dominant
alteration facies. Pervasive silicification overprints the carbonated
ultramafic rocks. It is not clear, however, whether this overprinting
is due to an age difference between the two alteration types or due
to variation in fluid chemistry with distance from the main conduit
or conduits. Rare pseudomorphs after pyrite were noted at several locations
(comprising less than 1% by volume of the rock) and rosettes of gypsum
were observed on some fracture surfaces. The latter are probably related
to evaporation of contemporary groundwaters.
Quartz veins in SIH show a variety of textures. In some cases, where
there is a high density of veins the rock is a tectonic breccia (Fig.
2b). Angular fragments can be fitted back together suggestive of high
fluid pressures. Veins commonly exhibit crustiform layering, with individual
bands defined by coxcomb-textured quartz. There are often central cavities
in which nodular aggregates of quartz (and in some instances chalcedony)
complete the paragenetic sequence. The veins show no textural evidence
of boiling. For example, lattice-textured quartz after carbonate has
not been observed, nor development of adularia that is typical of epithermal
precious metal deposits formed as a result of boiling. Massive hematite
is spatially associated with SIH at the Fanja roadcut occurrence (Fig.
1) where it occupies a steeply dipping fault.
Petrographic study reveals textures that are very similar to those of
the CFM rocks (Fig. 3b). The serpentinite minerals have been almost
completely replaced by crypto-crystalline quartz (confirmed by XRD measurements)
and hematite and/or goethite. Nevertheless the original serpentinite
mesh textures are clearly visible (Fig. 3b). The CFM alteration facies
is defined by pervasive replacement of serpentinite by very fine-grained
carbonate (Fig. 3a). It is best developed between SIH and serpentinite
in the area of interest, but we cannot be sure that such alteration
is restricted to the periphery of SIH zones. CFM alteration ranges from
low volumes of carbonate veinlets that mimic antigorite veinlets to
massive replacement. X-ray diffraction study has demonstrated the presence
of ankerite, dolomite and calcite. Phases presumably inherited from
the serpentinite include lizardite, antigorite and chrysotile, together
with chromite and magnetite, a probable relict of the serpentinisation
3: Photomicrographs. A: Partially carbonated serpentinite.
Sample FQ4550. Crossed polars. Calcite veinlets (arrowed) exploit
pre-existing serpentinite veinlets. B: SIH “Listwaenite”.
Sample FQ4549. Plane-polarised light. C: Travertine. Sample FQ4593.
Plane-polarised light. Note evidence of serpentinite replacement.
samples of travertine were studied because these also represent carbonate-altered
serpentinite (Fig. 3c) although there are equally obvious examples where
carbonate has precipitated as a surface or joint-related coating (Fig.
2e, f). The replacive textures are remarkably similar to those of CFM-altered
serpentinite adjacent to SIH.