GeoBlocks 3D Interactive 3D Geologic Blocks

The links below are to lists of movies for each type of geologic structure.  These lists allow you to find a specific movie, without going through one of the modules.

There are five lists:  layers, folds, faults, intrusions, and unconformities.  Each list categorizes movies by type of structure (e.g., syncline).  Movies of this type are then listed by file name (which is a hyperlink),  giving the attitude of the structure (e.g., gently plunging), and whether the block can be rotated, made transparent (to see the internal geometry of the structure), and cut into from some direction (left, right, or top). 

List Description of Blocks
Layers Two layers with various attitudes: horizontal, gently dipping, moderately dipping, steeply dipping, vertical, and oblique to the side of the block.
Folds Two layers folded into synclines and anticlines with various plunges:  horizontal, gentle, moderate, steep, and vertical.
Faults Two layers offset by vertical or dipping faults with dip slip, strike slip, or oblique slip. For some movies, the fault blocks can be displaced or eroded into from the top or one side.
Intrusions Intrusions of various sorts, including plutons, dikes and sills.  Some moves have cross-cutting relations between intrusions and folds and faults.
Unconformities Unconformity separating tilted, folded or faulted layers below from horizontal or gently tilted layers above. For some movies, the layers above the unconformity can be removed.

Note about file names:  In case you are really interested, the movie file names start with "b" for block. The next letters indicate the type of structure (l - layer, a - anticline, s - syncline, f - fault, i - intrusion, u - unconformity).  The next letter indicates the attitude of the structure (h - horizontal, g - gently, m - moderately, s - steeply, v - vertical).  If the file name has a "t", then the block can be made partially transparent. Fault movies may include "up" and "down", "dex" for right lateral, and "sin for left lateral, followed by a number (20, 40, 60), which relates to the original 3D software we used. Don't despair, we created the lists so that you didn't need to keep track of this information.

All movies copyright by Stephen J. Reynolds, 2002.  The list pages were created by Julia K. Johnson.