
A paragraph about what we mean by rotating and making transparent


File Name

Vertical Fault Block - Vertical Layer Up
Vertical Fault Block - Vertical Layer Left
Vertical Fault Block - Horizontal Syncline Up
Vertical Fault Block - Horizontal Syncline Left
Vertical Fault Block - Horizontal Syncline Oblique
Beveled Fault Block - Horizontal Layers
Vertical Fault Block - Gently Dipping Layers Up
Vertical Fault Block - Gently Dipping Layers Left
Vertical Fault Block - Gently Dipping Layers Right
Vertical Fault Block - Gently Dipping Layers Oblique
  • blgfob; rotate
  • blgfobt; rotate, transparent
  • blgfob60; rotate, offset obliquely 3 units
  • blgfob60t; rotate, transparent, offset obliquely 3 units
  • blgfobt4x2; rotate and make transparent
  • blgfob60ero; rotate, offset obliquely 3 units, then erode
  • blgfob60erot; rotate, transparent, offset obliquely 3 units, then erode