List of Figures
- 1. Tectonic map of the Western Alps (modified from Berthelsen, 1992b).
- 2. Cross-section of the western Alps
- 3. Plate 3
- 4. Plate 4
- 5. Plate 5
- 6. Plate 6
- 7. Plate 7
- 8. Plate 8
- 9. Plate 9
- 10. Synthetic subsidence curves
- 11. Early Cretaceous cross-sections of the European margin and position of the Pyrenean ocean
- 12. Middle Eocene and Late Oligocene
- 13. Simplified present-day tectonic map of the Alpine-Mediterranean area.
- 14. Stratigraphy and origin of the oceanic series and accretionary sequences
- 15. Evolution of the flexural bulge during the closing of the Alpine Tethys
- 16. Reconstruction of the Helvetic margin in Maastrichtian and Early Oligocene
- 17. Reconstruction of the Briançonnais domain in Early Cretaceous and early Middle Eocene