Wilde, A., Simpson, L. and Hanna, S. 2002. Preliminary study of Cenozoic hydrothermal alteration and platinum deposition in the Oman Ophiolite. In: Jessell, M. J. 2002. General Contributions: 2002. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, 6, 7-13.
Preliminary study of Cenozoic hydrothermal alteration and platinum deposition in the Oman Ophiolite


The modelling demonstrates the ease with which Pt can be removed from potential source rocks within the Semail ophiolite by a variety of oxidized natural waters. Rocks richest in Pt however, aren’t necessarily the best source rocks as elevated Pt is usually accompanied by higher masses of reductant minerals. The reducing capacity as well as platinum concentration of the source rock also has a crucial effect on the Pt composition of successive batches of outgoing fluid. Most rocks studied here would produce a spike of Pt-enriched water, while the chromitite would generate a fluid with lower but constant Pt content. Porosity has been identified as a key variable, controlling the amount of fluid throughput required to effect Pt removal. Redox buffering of the fluid is more effective at lower porosity requiring greater fluid throughput in order to extract Pt. In reality, porosity probably equates to fracture density and morphology.

An important question is whether the processes described above could give rise to an economic deposit of Pt. Grades similar to those in nature have been simulated by interacting Pt-rich fluid from various ophiolite lithologies with “fresh” serpentinite. Such models simulate movement of oxidized fluid through a section of the serpentinised basal ophiolite (e.g. along a fault) and its subsequent interaction with unaltered serpentinite, perhaps as the result of a second faulting event and consequent fluid flow. Platinum grade in the altered rock is a function of the Pt content of the incoming fluid and the bulk composition of the depositional site. The former is shown to be dependent on time (fluid flow history), flow path (i.e. rock types traversed, mainly influencing oxidation state and pH), porosity (fracture density?) and mass of fluid. Understanding the hydrodynamic regime in the area is therefore critical to the prediction of ore deposits.


Two types of Tertiary hydrothermal alteration have been described in serpentinite of the Semail ophiolite, Oman. Alteration involved massive addition of carbonate or silicification along faults that developed during extension and after obduction of the Semail ophiolite, a period of regional high heat flow reflected in intrusion of basanite and basaltic magma of continental affinity. Both alteration types are somewhat enriched in Pt. Likely hydrothermal fluids include meteoric, seawater and bittern, due to periodic emergence of the Tertiary landmass from an environment of mangrove swamp and saline coastal flats.

Geochemical modelling has provided some insights into hydrothermal processes. Important constraints on the Pt content of hydrothermal waters within the Semail ophiolite are fluid flux (integrated fluid:rock), porosity (probably density of fracturing), oxidation state, pH and the availability of discrete Pt minerals. The ionic strength and cation ratios of the fluid (i.e. derivation) appear to be of much lesser importance. Knowledge of the hydrodynamic regime and better understanding of fluid chemistry at the time of alteration would permit prediction of ore-grade Pt occurrences.


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