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Shear Sense Indicators:
Grain Boundary Pinning


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97. Compositional banding in sheared adamellite - This sheared adamellite from the Maggia Nappe, Switzerland deformed at epidote-amphibolite facies. Recrystallized quartz and feldspar grains are in distinct compositional bands. Clinozoisite (elongate, dark blue) and epidote (high birefringence) grains are concentrated in feldspar-rich domains and along foliation-parallel zones within quartz-rich areas (one-fourth way up image). Grain growth in the feldspathic domain is inhibited by the small accessory grains (see also image # 27).

FOV 3.2 mm, Nicols Crossed.



98. Grain boundary pinning - Biotite grains in this deformed metaquartzite from the Needles Mountains, southern Colorado have a strong alignment that defines foliation (lower left to top right). Deformation was at lower amphibolite facies. Quartz grains are polygonal and show little or no internal strain. Image analysis of this specimen shows that there is a strong preferred alignment of quartz grain boundaries parallel to foliation, caused by the effective 'pinning' of the highly mobile quartz grain boundaries by the biotite flakes. Evidence in favour of syntectonic grain boundary pinning, rather than post-tectonic biotite growth, includes: preferred alignment of biotite (001) planes; preferred alignment of quartz grain boundaries parallel to foliation; and a secondary preferred alignment of quartz grain boundaries perpendicular to the biotite (001) planes.

FOV 1.5 mm, Nicols Crossed.



99. Grain boundary pinning - Biotite granite from the alpine Maggia Nappe, Ticino, Switzerland was deformed at epidote-amphibolite facies into this biotite gneiss. As in image #98, biotite grains have 'pinned' the quartz grain boundaries, effectively preventing grain growth (compare grain size of quartz in this specimen with that in image # 97 from a sample only a few meters away).

FOV 1.5 mm, Nicols Crossed.